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2024 Salford Resident Online Digital Inclusion Survey

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The 2024 Digital Inclusion Survey is a crucial step in understanding residents’ needs and shaping effective programmes. By assessing awareness, identifying specific gaps, and involving the community, were creating a more digitally inclusive environment where everyone can thrive. I encourage all Salford residents to participate and contribute their valuable insights. Together, we can bridge the digital divide and ensure success in an increasingly digital world!

A Promise to Our Residents

Since 2015, Salford has aimed to become a 100% digitally inclusive city. Our vision is simple: we want every resident to have the capability to use the internet to enhance their daily lives. But we need your support to achieve this goal!

Our Journey So Far

We started with the Digital You program (2017-2020) and have continued with the Digital Everyone programme.

The Challenge Ahead

Despite our progress, 15% of Salford residents still lack essential digital skills, often due to poverty, unemployment, and homelessness. Digital inclusion is integral to our anti-poverty strategy, equalities initiatives, and mayoral priorities.

Empowering All Residents

Our strategy aims to empower all residents. Digital skills enable better financial management, access to information, and crisis prevention. By bridging the digital divide, we improve quality of life for everyone.

Join Us in Making a Difference

Tackling digital exclusion is a collective responsibility. Let’s collaborate with businesses, community organisations, educators, and residents to make Salford a city where everyone thrives.

Have Your Say!

We are excited to launch the 2024 Digital Inclusion Survey for Salford residents. Your feedback will help us understand the current state of digital inclusion and shape future programs.

Our 2024 Digital Inclusion Survey Aims to:

  • Assess Awareness: Gauge how well-informed residents are about digital support and resources.

  • Identify Needs: Determine specific digital skills and support required by residents.

  • Shape Future Programs: Use feedback to improve our digital inclusion initiatives.

We encourage all Salford residents to participate in this quick and easy survey. Your input will directly impact future digital support initiatives.

Click this link to take part in the survey or scan the QR code below and share your experiences and needs with us.

Together, we can bridge the digital divide and ensure all residents have the support they need to succeed in a digital world.

Thank you for your participation and support!

QR Code to 2024 Salford Digital Inclusion Survey

About the author

Digital Everyone

The Digital Everyone project is part of Salford’s aim to become a Digital City, an ambition which forms part of our wider vision for a better, fairer Salford to improve resident’s lives.

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