Community Calling Smartphone Donation Scheme
Give the gift of digital connection
20 Apr 2021
Tech She Can - Inspiring women to join our tech revolution
The Tech She Can Charter is a commitment by organisations to work together to increase the number of women working in technology roles in the UK
15 Apr 2021
Unity to launch the UK’s first-ever Centre of Excellence at MediaCityUK
HOST announces partnership with Unity to launch the UK’s first-ever Centre of Excellence at MediaCityUK, accelerating innovation in video gaming, digital media and immersive technology
29 Mar 2021
Salford’s HOST launches Skills City
A unique digital skills powerhouse is set to transform talent diversity in the North West’s tech sector, by breaking the barriers faced by those from underrepresented and disadvantaged backgrounds and fast-tracking 450 people into careers in digital technology every year.
26 Mar 2021
Salford City Council is the first council to back a female tech revolution!
Salford City Council is proud to be the first local authority in the country to sign up as a supporter of the Tech She Can charter, an initiative set up by PwC UK and 17 other founding organisations.
18 Mar 2021
New Digital Inclusion Project in Salford
Does your organisation work with people who may be struggling to get online?
FreelanceHer a ground-breaking programme
Ground-breaking programme to support 110 female freelancers begins in the North West
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